
Los 7 bulos más extendidos sobre el asma

Los 7 bulos más extendidos sobre el asma

Related media - Related media Son muchas las falsas creencias que todavía existen en torno al asma, sus causas, los tratamientos y el diagnóstico. Esto supone un gran obstáculo para las personas que padecen esta enfermedad, ya que les resulta más complicado conocer la forma adecuada de mantener bajo control los síntomas. El doctor Luis Manuel Entrenas Costa, jefe de Neumología del Hospital Quirónsalud Córdoba, insiste en que es importante prestar más atención a esta enfermedad, y escapar de «creencias equivocadas que no benefician a los pacientes». Te ayudamos a derribar los 7 falsos bulos más populares sobre esta enfermedad crónica. ¿Has escuchado alguno de ellos? 1. El asma solo afecta a niños, ¿qué hay de cierto? Una de las creencias más populares apunta que el asma se cura con la...
«Ana Rosa es lista, empresaria y, al final, es generosa»

«Ana Rosa es lista, empresaria y, al final, es generosa»

Associated media - Related media Michele Valls es la nueva invitación de Drama Queen, el podcast de ABC que conduce Pilar Vidal. El copresentador de ‘Espejo Público’ habla de su actualidad con David Valldeperassobre su deseo de ser padre, sobre sus inicios en la comunicación y sobre cómo vivió incorporándose al programa matutino de Antena por 3 veces a lo largo de una década trabajando en el producto de Ana Rosa Quintana. «Esto es muy cómodo. Desde el primer día entendí que era un tren que pillaba ahora o no lo pillaba», abandonó el periódico antes de confesar que «este cambio me apetecía». La televisión recuerda con especial cariño su paso por Ana Rosa Quintana: «Es tal lista, que él es emprendedor y que, al final, es generoso cuando comparte una comida con ella. Necesitas...
Prevención del cáncer de cérvix

Prevención del cáncer de cérvix

Associated media - Associated media ¿Sabes cómo prevenir el cáncer de cérvix, también llamado cáncer de cuello de útero? La incidencia de este tumor ginecológico ha ido disminuyendo gracias a la incorporación de programas de detección precoz o screening y a la vacunación del VPH o papiloma humano, que es la principal causa de este tumor. No conviene olvidar que en la prevención del cáncer de cuello uterino deben participar ambos miembros de la pareja, ya que tanto hombres como mujeres pueden verse afectados por la infección del virus del VPH. En este artículo te hablamos de las medidas preventivas más importantes para el cáncer de cuello de útero. Cáncer de cérvix: primeros síntomas Este tumor ginecológico es uno de los más habituales entre la población femenina y su principal causa ...
Así fortaleces las rodillas en casa

Así fortaleces las rodillas en casa

Linked media - Related media El dolor de rodillas puede llegar a limitar el día a día de muchas personas. Aunque es habitual relacionar el desgaste de esta articulación con la edad y el envejecimiento, lo cierto es que también puede presentarse antes de los 50. Lo que, a menudo, se ignora es que nuestros hábitos contribuyen al cuidado de las rodillas. ¿Conoces cuáles son? Relación entre dolor de rodillas y envejecimiento Los esfuerzos que van acumulando las rodillas conforme pasan los años pueden acabar perjudicándolas. El doctor Gonzalo Samitier Solís, jefe de servicio de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología del Hospital Quirónsalud Badalona y del Centro Médico Quirónsalud Aribau, nos indica que, «a medida que envejecemos, nuestras articulaciones, especialmente las rodillas, tienden a...
Apple Vision Pro Review: First Headset Lacks Polish and Purpose

Apple Vision Pro Review: First Headset Lacks Polish and Purpose

Related media - Connected media About 17 years ago, Steve Jobs took the stage at a San Francisco convention center and said he was introducing three products: an iPod, a phone and an internet browser. “These are not three separate devices,” he said. “This is one device, and we are calling it iPhone.” At $500, the first iPhone was relatively expensive, but I was eager to dump my mediocre Motorola flip phone and splurge. There were flaws — including sluggish cellular internet speeds. But the iPhone delivered on its promises. Over the last week, I’ve had a very different experience with a new first-generation product from Apple: the Vision Pro, a virtual reality headset that resembles a pair of ski goggles. The $3,500 wearable computer, which was released Friday, uses cameras so you can...
OpenAI Seeks to DismissParts of The New York Times’s Lawsuit

OpenAI Seeks to DismissParts of The New York Times’s Lawsuit

Related media - Related media Representatives for OpenAI and the Times Company did not immediately respond to requests for comment. The motion asked the court to dismiss four claims from The Times’s complaint to narrow the focus of the lawsuit. OpenAI’s lawyers argued that The Times should not be allowed to sue for acts of reproduction that occurred more than three years ago and that the paper’s claim that OpenAI violated the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, an amendment to U.S. copyright law passed in 1998 after the rise of the internet, was not legally sound. The Times was the first major American media company to sue OpenAI over copyright issues related to its written works. Novelists, computer programmers and other groups have also filed copyright suits against the start-up and ...
Apple’s Vision Pro Headset Costs Closer to $4,600 With Necessary Add-Ons

Apple’s Vision Pro Headset Costs Closer to $4,600 With Necessary Add-Ons

Related media - Related media The $1,000 base model of the Surface Laptop 5 comes with only eight gigabytes of memory, but most people are likely to need double that to smoothly run the latest Windows operating system and new apps and games. The model that includes 16 gigabytes costs an extra $500. Samsung Phone Samsung’s new high-end smartphone, the Galaxy S24 Ultra, has a starting price of $1,300. But it’s more realistically a $1,540 phone. In the last five years, many smartphone makers, including Apple, Google and Samsung, stopped shipping phones with basic accessories like earphones and charging bricks, a shift that increased their profit margins. And in an echo of the way computer makers upsell memory, the base model of a smartphone typically includes a modest amount of data sto...
Biden Issues Executive Order to Restrict Personal Data Sales to China and Russia

Biden Issues Executive Order to Restrict Personal Data Sales to China and Russia

Connected media - Related media President Biden will issue an executive order Wednesday seeking to restrict the sale of sensitive American data to China, Russia and four more countries, a first-of-its-kind attempt to keep personally identifying information from being obtained for blackmail, scams or other harm. The president will ask the Justice Department to write rules restricting the sale of information about Americans’ locations, health and genetics to China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela, as well as any entities linked to those countries. The restrictions would also cover financial information, biometric data and other types of information that could identify individuals and sensitive information related to the government. The White House said this kind of sensit...
Vision Pro Goggles Are Not Safe While Driving a Tesla, U.S. Says

Vision Pro Goggles Are Not Safe While Driving a Tesla, U.S. Says

Associated media - Connected media Is this the future? A world in which people can’t step away from the digital realm long enough to focus solely on everyday tasks such as socializing or exercising? Eric Decker, a YouTube and TikTok creator who goes by the name Airrack, posted a video poking fun at an “average day for an Apple Vision Pro owner,” showing him wearing the headset while lifting weights at the gym, getting his hair cut, going through airport security, walking down a street and even showering. (The Vision Pro is not waterproof.) “I truly feel most of these videos are skits,” Mr. Lentini said. “You can just tell.” Still, skit or not, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said on Tuesday that distracted driving is no joke. In 2021, more than 3,500 people in the ...
Shafiqah Hudson, Who Fought Trolls on Social Media, Dies at 46

Shafiqah Hudson, Who Fought Trolls on Social Media, Dies at 46

Shafiqah Hudson was looking for a job in early June of 2014, toggling between Twitter and email, when she noticed an odd hashtag that was surging on the social media platform: #EndFathersDay.The posters claimed to be Black feminists, but they had laughable handles like @NayNayCan’tStop and @CisHate and @LatrineWatts; they declared they wanted to abolish Father’s Day because it was a symbol of patriarchy and oppression, among other inanities.They didn’t seem like real people, Ms. Hudson thought, but parodies of Black women, spouting ridiculous propositions. As Ms. Hudson told Forbes magazine in 2018, “Anybody with half the sense God gave a cold bowl of oatmeal could see that these weren’t feminist sentiments.”But the hashtag kept trending, roiling the Twitter community, and the conservative...