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Apple entra en la carrera de la IA generativa

Apple entra en la carrera de la IA generativa

Associated media - Related media Tras los anuncios de OpenAI y Google, que esta semana presentaron sus nuevas propuestas de inteligencia artificial generativa, todos los milagros del sector se dirigen ahora hacia Apple. Tim Cook, el CEO de la multinacional estadounidense, anunció que el público pronto tendrá sus primeros pasos en este nuevo campo abierto de la IA con la irrupción de ChatGPT. La fecha informada es el 10 de junio, cuando se llevará a cabo la conferencia anual de desarrolladores WWDC y se conocerán las nuevas características de iOS 18, la próxima versión del sistema operativo del iPhone. Ante la falta de más detalles, a lo largo de las últimas semanas se han extendido numerosos rumores que apuntan a todo tipo de indicios de que podría destruir al gigante tecnológico. En...
El primer ministro eslovaco, Robert Fico, sufrió mucho por haber sufrido un intento de asesinato

El primer ministro eslovaco, Robert Fico, sufrió mucho por haber sufrido un intento de asesinato

Linked media - Connected media El primer ministro eslovaco, el populista Robert Fico, ha demostrado que ha sufrido un intento de asesinato este miércoles. Con fines de magnicidio, Fico fue trasladado en helicóptero en estado muy grave desde Handlová, la ciudad donde se produjo el tiroteo, hasta Banská Bystrica. «El estado del primer ministro es extremadamente grave y su vida corre peligro», anunció el ministro del Interior, Matús Sutaj Estok, en una conferencia celebrada a altas horas de la madrugada en el hospital donde Fico ha pasado en ocasiones por un proceso «muy complicado». operación” que duró varias horas. En su comparación, Sutaj Estok calificó este día como «el peor día de la democracia eslovaca». El atacante, afirmó, “tenía motivaciones políticas”. Y lanzó un llamamiento pa...
¡El Parma vuelve a la Serie A!

¡El Parma vuelve a la Serie A!

Linked media - Connected media Un histórico volverá al lugar que se merece. El Parma de Fabio Pecchia empató 1-1 en Bari y celebró su regreso a la Serie A. Después de una temporada de mucho dominio, el conjunto ‘gialloblù’ aprovechó la derrota del Venezia y se metió al bolsillo el merecido ascenso con dos jornadas de antelación La guerra de los parmesanos desde su bancarrota en 2015 es de reseñar. Se refundaron en la cuarta división, subieron hasta la Serie A en 2018 y volvieron a caer a la Serie B en la campaña 2020/21, viéndose obligados a remar otra vez contra la corriente. La labor de Pecchia, nombrado en la campaña pasada, encontró por fin buen puerto tras un 1-1 ante el Bari que sirvió para volver por sus fueros. FÀBREGAS ACARICIA EL ASCENSO El Parma necesitaba ...
Berkshire Hathaway celebra su consejo con una liquidación récord de 189.000 millones de dólares

Berkshire Hathaway celebra su consejo con una liquidación récord de 189.000 millones de dólares

Associated media - Associated media En su último artículo dirigido a los accionistas de Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffett lamentó la fuga de atractivas oportunidades de reversión hacia el mercado. Coincidiendo con la celebración del encuentro de entusiastas en Omaha, Nebraska, la compañía publicó sus informes del primer trimestre en los que revisó esta impresión. El conglomerado que gestiona el inversor más famoso del mundo acumulaba el 31 de marzo un volumen líquido récord de 188.993 millones de dólares (175.500 millones de euros), según el informe trimestral de la compañía. Este récord ha superado los 167.600 millones de cierres anuales, en los arcos de la compañía se produce en un momento en el que los tipos de interés son altos y la bolsa tiene un alto valor. El Oráculo de Omaha...
The NATO Welcoming Sweden Is Larger, More Determined

The NATO Welcoming Sweden Is Larger, More Determined

Linked media - Associated media Still, with Hungary finally voting for Sweden’s accession to NATO, at last the pieces are falling into place for a sharply enhanced NATO deterrent in the Baltic and North Seas, with greater protection for the frontline states of Finland, Norway and the Baltic nations, which border Russia. Once Hungary hands in a letter certifying parliamentary approval to the U.S. State Department, Sweden will become the 32nd member of NATO, and all the countries surrounding the Baltic Sea, with the exception of Russia, will be part of the alliance. “Sweden brings predictability, removing any uncertainty about how we would act in a crisis or a war,” Mr. Dalsjo said. Given Sweden’s geography, including Gotland, the island that helps controls the entrance to the Baltic S...
How a Little Understood U.N. Court Became the Center of the Israel-Gaza Debate

How a Little Understood U.N. Court Became the Center of the Israel-Gaza Debate

Related media - Connected media Israel denied the allegations, arguing that statements by Israeli government and military officials were taken out of context, and that its military has taken steps to preserve civilian lives. After the hearings, the Israeli government declassified a set of 30 secret orders which it said showed the effort to minimize casualties. . Just under a month after the case was filed, the court issued a series of “provisional measures,” similar to a temporary injunction, ordering Israel to refrain from genocidal acts, to prevent and punish incitement and to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza. The court, which stopped short of demanding that Israel halt its military offensive, also ordered Israel to send a report within one month detailing the measures it had taken...
Bosnia Was Once Emptied by War and Now Faces Peacetime Emigration

Bosnia Was Once Emptied by War and Now Faces Peacetime Emigration

Linked media - Connected media “It is evident that people are leaving all parts of the country,” said Emir Kremic, the director general of Bosnia’s state statistics agency. But how many have gone, he said, is not known with any precision, in a large part because it is not clear how many people remain. “We just don’t know how many people there are living here,” he said. For that, he added, “We need a new census.” That, however, is not something ethnonationalist politicians, fearful of the results, want. Bosnia’s three main ethnic groups — Muslim Bosniaks, Orthodox Christian Serbs and Roman Catholic Croats — each worry about losing out in the numbers game. It took three years of wrangling after the 2013 census for the results to be released, because each group wanted to see bigger numb...
Navalny’s Funeral to Be Held on Friday, Spokeswoman Says

Navalny’s Funeral to Be Held on Friday, Spokeswoman Says

Related media - Connected media Aleksei A. Navalny, the Russian opposition leader, will be buried on Friday after a funeral service in Moscow that will be open to the public, his spokeswoman said on Wednesday, setting up the possibility of a rare display of opposition sentiment in the Russian capital. “Come early,” the spokeswoman, Kira Yarmysh, wrote on social media. But mourners will still be taking a risk by attending. Hundreds of people who turned out across Russia at spontaneous memorials for Mr. Navalny after his death were detained, according to OVD-Info, a Russian-based rights group that tracks arrests. Ever since the Russian authorities reported Mr. Navalny’s death, on Feb. 16, his associates have said that the Kremlin has tried to prevent a funeral for him in Moscow that co...
Developers Who Leveled ‘Britain’s Wonkiest Pub’ Ordered to Rebuild

Developers Who Leveled ‘Britain’s Wonkiest Pub’ Ordered to Rebuild

Connected media - Connected media The Crooked House, a pub in England’s West Midlands that was demolished last year after a suspicious fire, could soon be rising from the rubble after its owners were ordered to restore the pub to its former lopsided glory. The tavern, known as “Britain’s wonkiest pub” for its slanting walls and floors, was sold to a private developer in July 2023. Around two weeks later, the pub caught fire in a suspected arson attack and the developers who had bought it brought in the bulldozers. Locals were outraged. With the support of local politicians, they launched a public campaign to see the building restored and someone held accountable for its destruction. Now, they may be one step closer to those goals becoming a reality. South Staffordshire Council, the ...
Hamas Is Open to a Cease-Fire Deal with Israel but Ready to Keep Fighting: Live Updates

Hamas Is Open to a Cease-Fire Deal with Israel but Ready to Keep Fighting: Live Updates

Related media - Linked media Abraham and Adra, an Israeli and Palestinian filmmaking team, had just won the festival’s award for best documentary for “No Other Land,” a movie about Palestinian resistance to Israeli campaigns in the occupied territories. It was “very hard,” Adra said, to celebrate the award “when there are tens of thousands of my people being slaughtered and massacred by Israel in Gaza.” He called upon German lawmakers to “stop sending weapons to Israel,” before Abraham called for a cease-fire and an end to Israel’s occupation. The audience, which included the culture minister of Germany, Claudia Roth, applauded loudly, and there were whistles and cheers in the hall. In the days since, Abraham and Adra’s speeches have become the latest flashpoint in a long-running deba...